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Saturday, January 28, 2012

True Story and Tips to Cross Safely

   I have already talked about this a bit on the Street Smarts Page but we had an accident not to far down the road from me that made me want to talk about it again today. This is a very important issue as I see more and more children getting hit that don't need to be. I know that no matter what there is that chance due to accidents like accidentally running a red light or someone not paying attention or the occasional (non accident) drunk driver. But a lot of these children are getting hit in the middle of the road with NO crosswalk, NO light and in the dark. We can prevent a lot of these from happening. I am going to share a true story that just happened last night (1-28-2012).

    Last night in Millcreek Utah not far from where I live a 13 year old girl was hit by a police officer while she tried to cross the road. This accident happened at around 9:20 pm and involved a member of our Unified Police Officers and the Teenage girl. According to a local news station the girl was walking in a neighborhood that was poorly lit when she tried to cross the road were her Dad was waiting for her she was struck by the officer causing serious injuries to the teenager. The girl was not in a crosswalk and the officer did not see the girl until it was to late according to the Unified Police Department.

   The girl was transported to a nearby Hospital with serious injuries. Specific injuries were not immediately released but police say that they do not believe that they are life threatening. The Salt Lake Police Department is investigating the accident.

   We can only hope that this has a good ending and that this child recovers fully from her injuries. I will be pulling for her and her family in this horrible time as I am sure you will as well. I think we have a lot to learn from this story and we can take the "It will never happen to my child" out of our minds now when it can happen to this child in front of her Dad that was right there waiting for her and hit by a police officer non the less.... This can happen to anyone young or old. We should all be paying attention whether it be driving or walking and we should follow the rules when crossing the street. Here is a news clip about the accident and below that I will cover some of the Street Safety tips!

Crossing Safely
  • If you are going to be out after dark (or even dusk) wear light colored clothing.
  • Young kids are better when traveling with others not only for crossing safety but also for stranger danger. You can find more information on the Stranger Danger Page.
  • Try to stay in WELL lit areas even if in your own neighborhood. Again this is not just for vehicles but also for Stranger Danger.
  • Cross only at Cross Walks, Sky Walks and/or an appropriate light
  • Only cross after you have done your checks and that should be Stop, Look and Listen
  • Double Check
  • If anything is blocking your view (bush, car, boat etc.) make sure you have a clear look around it before crossing.
  • If you are crossing at a light and the traffic is stopped and it is your turn, make sure you have eye to eye contact with the drivers so you know that they are aware you are there before moving out in front of them. It is awfully easy for a child to be unseen after moving in front of a larger vehicle.
  • Always use the Orange/Red flags if available.
  • Don't just walk out in a crosswalk just cause you have the right of way, ensure that they are aware of you and that the drivers come to a stop before crossing.
  • NEVER cross without a crosswalk or a light even if it means going down the street another block or so it just isn't worth it.
  • Walk don't run to cross the street you are less likely to trip and cross safely.
  • Walk don't ride your bike across the street.
   If we follow these rules we can prevent a lot of these accidents from happening. We should start teaching our children the importance of Street Safety and Stranger Danger from the time they start walking and talking in my opinion, It is ultimately up to you. I think we all need to have these talks all the time with our children. Practice these with your children, I do it with my nieces and nephews where we will go out to lunch and while I hold their hand and we get ready to cross the parking lot I do the stop, look and listen. We need to practice this all the time even if it is safe and we know it. If we do it every time we cross the street it will become the norm for them as well.

   I truly hope that this helps someone somewhere. I would appreciate your feedback, stories, suggestions or if you want me to cover anything just let me know by commenting below. Please share this with your friends and family.. 
Thanks for visiting.

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