get this

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wanted to share a website with you

   I have found a great site to get information on the crimes in your area. These will include Theft, Assault, Sexual offenses and much much more. It will allow you to submit tips about crimes you might know something about while remaining anonymous. Its simple to use here is the rundown of it.

  I want to add that you do not have to be a member to use this site, however you can become a member of the site by joining it in the top right hand corner where it says "join crimereports today". When you join you can have alerts sent to you via text, email or even get the RSS feed on things happening in your area. you can still post thing anonymously.

  The great thing about this site is it is becoming bigger and bigger. More and more agency's are starting to use it as it gives them more of an opportunity or civilians to give anonymous tips on crimes or to report crimes that might be happening in the area while staying completely anonymous.

Best of all its completely 100% FREE!!!

Here are the statistics for the last 2 years of this site, they have:
   Received 1.6 MILLION tips.
   Arrested 122,967 people
   45,529 fugitives caught
   10,959 stolen vehicles were recovered
   20,483 weapons were recovered
   $4.9 BILLION recovered in drugs and property

If that isn't success I don't know what is.

Please share this with your family and friends as well.

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