get this

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Something Old, Something New

   Hello Everyone,
   The Old
   Yesterday I shared with you a website that you could find all sorts of crime in your area: . I was able to play around with it a bit and there's more then I wanted to see :-( . With that being said it brings up a good point of talking with our children about Stranger Danger and taking all of the safety precautions we can in our home such as making sure our windows and doors are locked every night and every time we leave the house. Remember to Practice, Practice, Practice the safety points in this site with your children so that it becomes 2nd nature to them.

The New
   Off to the left you will see an bar, this is a list of products that I personally went through and picked for teaching our children safety. I have not used all of them but I have done research on all of them and found good reviews on them. The only questionable one that I did find was the Child Identification card there is only one review on it and it was 1 star, However, this was because the individual thought this was a DNA test not a DNA sample and Finger Print Kit so I don't think we should count that one. There is one product that I did not put on the Amazon list that I would HIGHLY recommend and that is Eddie Eagle from the NRA. It is available on Amazon but it is more expensive then getting it from the NRA website. I have a link to it on the Firearm Safety page. 
A Child Identification Card can also be downloaded and you can normally purchase fingerprint ink pads from a local office supply store. The website can be found on the Stranger Danger Page.

  I will be adding more pages to our blog here very soon as I think we need to cover Child Predators, Internet Safety, Water Safety, Safe Rooms, Fire Safety and much, much more. I think we can all work together to come up with a wonderful one-stop-shop for child safety and I would like your idea's on what you would like to have covered. I would also like to know if you would like to see a true stories page as well. Keep in mind that not all true stories have happy endings :-(
Please continue to support this page by sharing it with your friends and family on your social networking sights, blogs and word of mouth. I really do appreciate it as I would like to reach as many people as possible!

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