get this

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bicycle Carrier Recall

   Since I just posted a page on Bicycle Safety I thought I would talk about a bicycle carrier that was recalled on 1/11/2012. This chariot bicycle carrier was recalled due to an injury hazard. You can find details below.
The information below was taken from
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Chariot Carrier Recalls Child Bicycle Trailers And Conversion Kits Due To Injury Hazards
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today (1/11/2012) announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Chariot bicycle trailers and bicycle trailer conversion kits
Units: About 44,000 bicycle trailers and 70,000 bicycle trailer conversion kits
Manufacturer: Thule Child Transport Systems Ltd., d/b/a Chariot Carriers, of Calgary, Canada
Hazard: The bicycle trailer’s hitch mechanisms can crack and break, causing the trailer to detach from the bicycle. This poses an injury hazard to children in the bicycle trailer.
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received 24 incident reports worldwide, three of which occurred in the United States, involving the bicycle trailers and the conversion kits. No injuries have been reported.
Description: Chariot Carriers convert to strollers, jogging strollers and bike, hike or ski trailers. This recall involves Chariot bicycle trailers and bicycle trailer conversion kits. Recalled trailers have serial numbers from 1205-xxxx to 0710-xxxx (representing manufacture dates December 2005 through July 2010) located the left side on the frame. Recalled conversion kits have hitch arms that attach the carrier to the bicycle with model number “20100503” printed on a label attached to the aluminum tube next to the warning label. Older conversion kits without a label, but with a release push button located where the hitch arm inserts into the carrier, are also being recalled.
Sold at: Specialty bicycle stores nationwide and on various websites from December 2005 through August 2010 for between $400 and $925 for Chariot bicycle trailers and from October 2002 through August 2011 for between $40 and $70 for bicycle trailer conversion kits.
Manufactured in: Canada
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bicycle trailers and bicycle trailer conversion kits and contact Chariot Carriers for a free repair kit which the consumer can install.
Consumer Contact: For more information, contact Chariot Carriers at (800) 262-8651 between 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s website at
Under federal law, it is illegal to attempt to sell or resell this or any other recalled product.

For more information on this recall visit

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Bicycle Safety

   I posted a new page called Bicycle Safety with tons of safety tips on riding a bicycle. Please take a moment to read over it as some of the information on the page could possibly save a life of one of your family members or friends.

   According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - 500,000 people report bicycle injuries every year of that 700 of those cyclist die from their injuries. 62% of those deaths resulting from head injuries. In a typical year 15 year olds or younger account for half of the nations fatal bike accidents.

Please share this information with your friends and family so we can make a difference. You can join this site 100% free by clicking the "Join" button on the right hand side of the page. 

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Drinking and Driving!

   Last night my family and I went to a local Hockey game here in the Salt Lake Valley. We were having a good time when we seen a family of 5 come and sit in front of us. This family was a Mom and Dad with their 3 maybe 4 year old daughter and the mom and dads friends or family. All of the adults were drinking and we aren't talking about just one drink we are talking 3-4 maybe even 5 drinks during the game and they just kept getting louder and louder. They were very nice people but I couldn't stop thinking about that beautiful little girl that they had with them and how she was going to get home.

   Look I don't care what you do in your life if you are going to drink don't drive. You could easily get in a wreck hurting or killing yourself or someone else and nobody deserves to pay so drastically for someone else's stupidity. I try to put this nicely but it is really hard to when everyone knows how wrong it is and yet they still make the CHOICE to do it. This little girl doesn't have the choice on how she is going to get home. There is nothing that I could have done to change whatever happens. I could have told someone but I don't have any proof that they were above the legal limit. I could have followed them out to their vehicle and followed them home but in an area with 10,000 people its hard to keep an eye on your own family let alone someone else's. I have tried to get involved before and it hasn't worked. I wish there was more that I could have done other then saying how wrong it was and getting chewed out and told to mind my own business.

   This is not the first time that I have seen this and its extremely sad. I cant believe that some people have the thought that it would be ok to have a few drinks and then drive with their child in the car or not. When you drink and drive it is proven time and time again that you do not have full control of the vehicle. You have a chance of swerving off the road or into oncoming traffic hurting or killing not only you but others as well. There are families all over that loose innocent loved ones that are on their way home from church, stores, family events etc that don't deserve to be hurt or killed and yet they get hit by a drunk driver and now that family has to go through all of the horrible things (for lack of better words) that they shouldn't have to.

   So do all of us a favor and if you are going to drink be responsible enough to get a cab or a designated driver. If you cant afford a cab and you cant find a designated driver then you shouldn't be drinking its that simple. Drinking is to be done responsibly and I feel as though a lot of people show how irresponsible they are by drinking and driving. I hope that we can put a stop to all of this as this. We can get drinking and driving fatality rates to a 0% as it is not an accident it is a choice!
The Party Poem (Author Unknown)
I went to a party, Mom,
I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom,
So I drank soda instead.

I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom,
Even though the others said I should.

I know I did the right thing, Mom,
I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
As everyone is driving out of sight.

As I got into my car, Mom,
I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me,
So responsible and sweet.

I started to drive away, Mom,
But as I pulled out into the road,
The other car didn't see me, Mom,
And hit me like a load.

As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
I hear the policeman say,
"The other guy is drunk," Mom,
And now I'm the one who will pay.

I'm lying here dying, Mom...
I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom?
My life just burst like a balloon.

There is blood all around me, Mom,
And most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom,
I'll die in a short time.

I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom.
The others didn't think.

He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank
And I will die.

Why do people drink, Mom?
It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now.
Pains just like a knife.

The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,
And I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying
And all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom,
Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.

Someone should have told him, Mom,
Not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom,
I would still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom.
I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom.
When I needed you,
you were always there.

I have one last question, Mom.
Before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive,
So why am I the one to die?

Please don't drink and drive!!!

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

True Story and Tips to Cross Safely

   I have already talked about this a bit on the Street Smarts Page but we had an accident not to far down the road from me that made me want to talk about it again today. This is a very important issue as I see more and more children getting hit that don't need to be. I know that no matter what there is that chance due to accidents like accidentally running a red light or someone not paying attention or the occasional (non accident) drunk driver. But a lot of these children are getting hit in the middle of the road with NO crosswalk, NO light and in the dark. We can prevent a lot of these from happening. I am going to share a true story that just happened last night (1-28-2012).

    Last night in Millcreek Utah not far from where I live a 13 year old girl was hit by a police officer while she tried to cross the road. This accident happened at around 9:20 pm and involved a member of our Unified Police Officers and the Teenage girl. According to a local news station the girl was walking in a neighborhood that was poorly lit when she tried to cross the road were her Dad was waiting for her she was struck by the officer causing serious injuries to the teenager. The girl was not in a crosswalk and the officer did not see the girl until it was to late according to the Unified Police Department.

   The girl was transported to a nearby Hospital with serious injuries. Specific injuries were not immediately released but police say that they do not believe that they are life threatening. The Salt Lake Police Department is investigating the accident.

   We can only hope that this has a good ending and that this child recovers fully from her injuries. I will be pulling for her and her family in this horrible time as I am sure you will as well. I think we have a lot to learn from this story and we can take the "It will never happen to my child" out of our minds now when it can happen to this child in front of her Dad that was right there waiting for her and hit by a police officer non the less.... This can happen to anyone young or old. We should all be paying attention whether it be driving or walking and we should follow the rules when crossing the street. Here is a news clip about the accident and below that I will cover some of the Street Safety tips!

Crossing Safely
  • If you are going to be out after dark (or even dusk) wear light colored clothing.
  • Young kids are better when traveling with others not only for crossing safety but also for stranger danger. You can find more information on the Stranger Danger Page.
  • Try to stay in WELL lit areas even if in your own neighborhood. Again this is not just for vehicles but also for Stranger Danger.
  • Cross only at Cross Walks, Sky Walks and/or an appropriate light
  • Only cross after you have done your checks and that should be Stop, Look and Listen
  • Double Check
  • If anything is blocking your view (bush, car, boat etc.) make sure you have a clear look around it before crossing.
  • If you are crossing at a light and the traffic is stopped and it is your turn, make sure you have eye to eye contact with the drivers so you know that they are aware you are there before moving out in front of them. It is awfully easy for a child to be unseen after moving in front of a larger vehicle.
  • Always use the Orange/Red flags if available.
  • Don't just walk out in a crosswalk just cause you have the right of way, ensure that they are aware of you and that the drivers come to a stop before crossing.
  • NEVER cross without a crosswalk or a light even if it means going down the street another block or so it just isn't worth it.
  • Walk don't run to cross the street you are less likely to trip and cross safely.
  • Walk don't ride your bike across the street.
   If we follow these rules we can prevent a lot of these accidents from happening. We should start teaching our children the importance of Street Safety and Stranger Danger from the time they start walking and talking in my opinion, It is ultimately up to you. I think we all need to have these talks all the time with our children. Practice these with your children, I do it with my nieces and nephews where we will go out to lunch and while I hold their hand and we get ready to cross the parking lot I do the stop, look and listen. We need to practice this all the time even if it is safe and we know it. If we do it every time we cross the street it will become the norm for them as well.

   I truly hope that this helps someone somewhere. I would appreciate your feedback, stories, suggestions or if you want me to cover anything just let me know by commenting below. Please share this with your friends and family.. 
Thanks for visiting.

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Recalls for 1/24/2012

   On Jan 24, 2010 the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced 2 new child related recalls that I would like to share with you. Infant Rattles and Wrestling Action Figures, I will cover both products here.
Infant Rattles By Lee Carter Company
Infant Rattles by Lee Carter Co. are recalled due to a choking hazard. The CPSC with Lee Carter Co. announced the voluntary immediate recall on Jan 24, 2012 unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product. This is an image of what the rattle looks like!

Product Information                     
Name of Product: Infant Rattles
Units: About 25,000
Distributor: Lee Carter Co. of San Francisco Calif.
Hazard: The rattles handle is small enough to fit in the child's throat posing a choking hazard and violating federal rattle standards.
Incidents/Injuries: None Reported.
Description: The recalled rattles are made out of multi-colored, woven plastic and have a bell inside. They measure about 4.5" long. "Made in Mexico" and "Lee Carter Company" are printed on a tag on purple plastic loop at the end of the rattles handle.
Sold at: Various Mexican specialty craft stores nationwide from Feb 2011 - Oct 2011 for about $4.00
Manufactured: In Mexico
Remedy: Customers should immediately take the recalled rattles away from their child and return them to Lee Carter Co. for a full refund or a credit towards a replacement product.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, consumers should call Lee Carter Co. collect at (415) 824-2004 anytime, or visit the firms website at

Information on this was taken from the CPSC

Mexican Wrestling Action Figures By Lee Carter Co
The US CPSC in cooperation with Lee Carter Co announced a voluntary immediate recall of the following product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product. The following images are of the recalled product.

Product Information 

Name of Product: Super Luchamania Action Figures
Units: About 7,000 packs
Distributor: Lee Carter Company of San Francisco Calif.
Hazard: The surface paints on the figures contain excessive levels of lead which is prohibited under Federal Law.
Incidents/Injuries: None Reported
Description: The recalled figures were sold in 12 packs. The multi-colored action figures are plastic, have plastic capes and measure about four inches tall. "Super Luchamania" is printed on the action figures packaging.
Sold at: Various Mexican specialty craft stores nationwide from June 2000 - October 2011 for about $12.00-$14.00 a pack.
Manufactured: In Mexico
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled action figures from the children and return them to the Lee Carter Company for a full refund or credit towards a replacement product.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, consumers should call Lee Carter Co. collect at (415) 824-2004 anytime, or visit the firms website at

Information on this was taken from the CPSC

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sledding Safety

   Well with snow on the ground I thought I would go after one of my favorite things to do as a child, Sledding and Tubing! Sledding/Tubing was always fun, I remember whenever it would snow I would always want to go so bad that I would run and try to slide across the front yard if we couldn't make it to a hill. Luckily I live in Utah and we rarely have a shortage of snow in the winter. With that being said we also have a lot of injuries here and deaths every year due to winter sports sledding, tubing, skiing, snowboarding etc. (This article is only going to cover sledding and tubing) So I thought I would do some sledding/tubing safety facts and tips.

   Although most areas can only enjoy the fun of Sledding/Tubing a couple months out of the year the United States sees upwards of 20,000 children in the Emergency room each year. The injuries range from minor bumps and bruises to the occasional death (approximately 5 a year). Most of the injuries are caused by the child sledding in their yard and into the road getting hit by a car/truck or by being pulled by a car/truck/ATV down the street on a sled or tube. 

   Safety Tips
  • Supervise - Always be there to supervise your child as they do anything that could lead to such injuries.
  • Face Forward - Children should always SIT (not stand or lay down) face forward when you sled. This way when you are going if you see a danger you have more of a chance of getting out of the way and preventing it.
  • Under 5 - Children under 5 should always ride with someone.
  • Artificial Jumps - You shouldn't allow your children to make artificial jumps.
  • 1 at a time - You shouldn't allow your children to go down more then one at a time. Never pile onto a sled or tube.
  • Vehicles - NEVER pull a sled or tube with a vehicle of any sort. This is extremely dangerous.
  • Arms and Legs - Have your kids keep their arms and legs held inside the sled/tube to prevent injuries.
Choosing Where To Sled
  • Avoid hills that are next to parking lots and road ways.
  • Avoid hills that have a lot of trees
  • Avoid hills that have a pond next to it
  • Avoid hills that have fences or other hazards
  • Select a hill that is not to steep and has plenty of stopping area at the bottom of the hill.
  • Make sure the hill is cleared of any rocks, shrubs, trees, jumps and bumps before sledding/tubing
  • Don't sled down an Icy hill just Snowy ones as a fall on the icy ones can cause more injuries.
   It is also recommended to wear a properly fit helmet as most serious injuries due to any winter sport is a head injury. Make sure you are dressed for the weather and have a dry set of clothing just in case you need it. Don't stay out after dark as it is harder to see the obstacles that might be in your way. Most of all go out and have fun but be safe doing it.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Put a STOP to bullying!

   I don't know if anyone noticed but the other day I posted a page about Bullying. I want to raise awareness about how destructive and serious this truly is. I think all of us standing together can make a difference. I know that we can change lives for the better and we need to continue doing it. Stand up for what is right and stop those from doing wrong.

   I have listed a lot of wonderful links on the Bullying Safety Page as well as some phone numbers that we should share with anyone who is being bullied. Please take a minute to read over the page so that you can also see how serious of a problem this has become.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Top 5 List! Hidden Home Hazards.

   This is the Top 5 Hidden Home Hazards according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Each year approximately 33 million people are injured by consumer products that are in the home. Some of these products are from what the agency has been giving warnings about for years; others are new technologies and products.

"The home is where people feel comfortable and secure, but constant awareness is the key to keeping families safe," said Acting Chairman Nancy Nord. "CPSC is aiming to increase awareness of the hidden hazards around the home in order to help consumers protect against these dangers."

By educating ourselves in the dangers that are in our home many lives can be spared and life-altering injuries avoided.

  1. Magnets - Since 2005: 1 Death, 86 injuries and 8 million magnetic toys were recalled. Magnets have become more and more popular from hanging items on your fridge to your kids toys like building sets and jewelry. As the number of magnets used in children's toys goes up so does the injury caused by these magnets. These magnets can fall out of the child's toys making it a very small piece and be swallowed. If two or more magnets or a magnet and a piece of metal get swallowed separately by the child they can connect to each other through intestinal walls and get trapped in place. This type of injury is hard to diagnose. Though parents and doctors could assume that these will just pass through the child without consequence these magnets could attract in the body twisting and pinching the intestines, causing holes, blockages etc. if not treated properly and promptly. 
  2. Recalled Products - Every year there are about 400 recalled items. CPSC is very effective at getting bad products off of the store shelves like recalled toys, appliances and electronics etc. But if you have the product in your home you will have to be the one on the lookout. Consumers need to be aware of the latest safety recalls to keep the dangerous products away from their families. (I have added the CPSC feed to the right of this page. It has the latest child-related recalls on it)
  3. Tip-Overs - Average 22 deaths per year, 31 in 2006 and an estimated 3,000 injuries. Furniture, TV's and Ranges can tip over crushing your child. Most of the appliances anymore come with a mounting feature to mount them to a wall stud preventing them from falling over on your child. TV's placed on furniture like dressers or high stands can cause head trauma to a child even though today's TV's don't weigh a lot like the old days. 
  4. Windows and Coverings - Estimated 12 deaths a year from window cords and 9 deaths 3,700 injuries from  window falls. If you have blinds or window coverings that use cords; these cords can wrap around your child's neck strangling them. Parents are better off using cordless blinds or keep the cords/chains permanently up and out of reach of any child. If the cord has a loop in the end of it you should cut that loop out and install a safety tassel at the end of each pull cord. NEVER place a child's crib or playpen within reach of a window blind. Kids love to play around windows, look out them etc. Unfortunately children can be injured or die if they fall out of one. Don't rely on the window screen as they are there to keep the bugs out, not to keep the kids in.
  5. Pool and Spa Drains - The suction of a pool drain can be strong enough to pull an adult under water but most incidents involve children. The child's body can become sealed against the drain or their hair can be pulled into it making it virtually impossible for them to get out of the situation. Pool and spa owners should  install a Safety Vacuum Release System (SVRS), which will shut off the pool pump if it becomes blocked. 
Let me know your thoughts and opinions below. Remember to join by clicking the "Join" button on the right of the page and share this with your friends and family.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Children and the World Wide Web

   We are no stranger to the game or are we? Internet has been a breeding ground for some very questionable (to say the least) activities such as Cyberbullying, Child Predators and the all to often Porn Sites. I think it is time that we start talking about keeping our children safe from all of these.

   The Internet can be very beneficial, we can use it for communication to speak to people all over the world very inexpensively, use e-mail to send pictures, files, videos and more with a touch of a button and it is the largest encyclopedia of the world. However, there are also risks associated with the Internet such as Pornography, Cyberbullying and Predators just to name a couple.

   I am absolutely disgusted by the information I found in my research on this subject. It is so scary that this is normally passed over as not such a big deal in so many households (mine included). After reading about this I knew that I had to share it with you so that we can all spread the word out there and maybe bring these numbers down some. So here we go!!!

Did You Know
*Information gathered is from Crimes Against Children Research Center*
These statistics are based on interviews with a national representative of 1,501 youth ages 10-17 who use the Internet regularly.
  • Approximately 1 in 5 had received sexual solicitation or was approached over the Internet in the last year.
  • 1 in 33 had a solicitor who asked them to meet somewhere, offered or mailed them money, called them on the phone or offered to buy them gifts. These solicitors are referred to as Aggressive Solicitors.
  • 1 out of 4 of these children had been exposed to unwanted pictures of naked people or people having sex in the last year.
  • 1 out of 17 of these children have been threatened or harassed online.
  • Less then 10% of sexual solicitations are reported to law enforcement, Internet service provider or a hotline.
  • Less then 3% of unwanted exposures go reported to law enforcement, Internet service provider or a hotline.
  • About 25% of the children approached or encountered by sexual solicitation told a parent about it.
  • Only 17% of youth and 10% of parents could name a specific authority to which they could report the  problem to. (ie. FBI, CyberTipline or an Internet Service Provider).
A few definitions of what was just spoken about above

Sexual solicitations and approaches: Requests to engage in sexual activities or sexual
talk or give personal sexual information that were unwanted or, whether wanted or not,
made by an adult.

Aggressive sexual solicitation: Sexual solicitations involving  offline contact with the
perpetrator through regular mail, by telephone, or in person or attempts or requests for
offline contact.

Unwanted exposure to sexual material: Without seeking or expecting sexual material,
being exposed to pictures of naked people or people having sex when doing online searches,
surfing the web, opening E-mail or E-mail links.

Harassment: Threats or other offensive behavior (not sexual solicitation), sent online to the
youth or posted online about the youth for others to see.

   With the numbers provided you can see clearly that this has gotten to be really bad. We need to do something about this. Our children can be solicited many different ways online like social networking sites, giving out their email address, chat rooms etc. Lets face it we cant be with our children 24 hours a day like we would like to be but we can try to protect them the best that we can by educating ourselves and them about the potential dangers that lurk around every corner of the Internet. I will go more into how we can do this a little later in this post but for now I want to cover the other dangers.

   To help prevent some of this from happening you should instruct your child to:
NEVER arrange any face-to-face meetings with anyone they meet online, even if they think it is another child. 
NEVER upload photo's of themselves to share with anyone that they meet online. 
NEVER give out personal information like name, address, phone number or school name etc. 
NEVER download anything that is sent to them via chat, email or any other form from someone they don't know or someone they have met online. And last but not least 
NEVER respond to obscene, belligerent, suggestive or harassing messages or bulletins as whatever they are told online may or may not be true!

   What to do if your child is being solicited

   Remember when I said that; 1 out of 4 children were exposed to unwanted naked photos or people having sex? Well this is from doing simple Internet searches and having some bad results come up. Have you ever tested this? Or possibly misspelled a word (I misspell a lot, Love spell check) in a search engine and have something come up that you didn't want to see? There are words now days that growing up meant other things like "Cougar" hmmm I thought that was a Wild Cat well come to find out now its more of a sexually explicit name for an older woman. 

   The point is times have changed and the Internet cant point out exactly what you want to see when you want to see it. There is just no way that the Internet search engine can honestly protect our children as much as they would like to. Google has done a ton to try to protect our children by not letting that type of material come up in the search engine without it being searched for directly but again its not something that is 100% unfortunately. 

   Now I want to cover Cyberbullying. Bullying has moved beyond the picking on people at school, on the playground and at the park etc. Now it is viral and is worse then ever. Bully's have taken it to Text Messaging, Social Networking sites and Chat Rooms just to name a few. We all know what Bullying is and we should stop it from happening to our kids. We can do the following:

  • Block communication with he bully.
  • delete messages without reading them.
  • report the problem to your Internet service provider, cell phone company or website moderator. (depending on where it is happening). If it is bad then contact your local law enforcement as well.
   Now the question is what do you do if your child is a bully? Lets face it some children are bully's if they weren't we wouldn't be having this conversation. There are a few ways to help your child that is bullying and remember there is a reason for them bullying most of the time, we just need to find out why!

Listen - We should start off by talking with them and ask them why they do it. Don't judge them just listen to what they have to say and let them speak their mind honestly with you. Once you figure out why they do it try to help them with whatever the cause is if you can if not find someone who can.

Respect, Empathy and Compassion - Try to get them to understand what the victim is going through, what they might be feeling while this bullying is going on and how they would feel if it was happening to them.

Boundaries - Set consequences for your child with clear boundaries and adhere to them when these boundaries are broken. Let your child know that you will not tolerate bullying in any way shape or form. Make your child apologize with the victim face-to-face.

Lead by Example - In difficult situations keep your cool. Model nonviolent behavior and give your child positive feedback when you see they are doing the right things.

Love and Support - This should be done regardless of if our children are bullying or not. Offer and seek support for your child. Remember we cant expect anything to change overnight this will take time so be patient with them even if you are angry or upset.

   We went over a lot of information on Internet and how it can help and hurt our children. I hope that you find this information beneficial. I know that we will never be able to completely end any of this even though I would love to be able to but we can definitely put a dent in it if we stay educated in it and teach our children. We need to take safety precautions to make sure our family is protected from everything including the Internet. I would suggest getting some type of Internet protection software to help protect your child.

   I did some research on a few of the Internet protection software programs that are out there to protect our children and I found one that has some pretty good reviews. I have never used this program so I am going by the reviews that I got online from other users. I did do a lot of research on it and most of them give it 3.5 to 4 stars out of 5 so I think it would definitely be worth looking into. I can tell you that some of the reviews that didn't rate it very high was because you need to renew it every year (new charge to you). You have to do this with Internet Security Software (Virus Protection), Tax Software etc. as well. They need the extra funds to help come out with new software due to the ever changing technology. Remember there are more products out there that do this and maybe some that are better then the one I am listing here but this one had the best reviews that I could find. I hope this helps.

Here is the program that I found that might help some of us.

   This software blocks harmful content like pornography and drugs or you can set your own preferences. It tracks, blocks and records instant messaging, email, and social networking communication. It will allow you to set time limits or times to when your child can be online. Prevents attempts to access blocked websites by alerting you by email, SMS (text message) or by phone when your child does try to access the websites. It includes 3 licenses so you can install it on up to 3 computer systems (most others I found are only one license) and it is compatible with Mac and Windows.
They have earned: PC Magazine Editors Choice Award, LapTop Magazine Editors Choice Award, 
Parents' Choice Approved.

As always I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments, suggestions and tips below. You can join this site by clicking on the "Join" button on the right of the page. Remember to share this with your friends and family so we can get all the safety tips and techniques out to everyone.

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What would you like to see?

   Everyday I can think of a hundred different things that I can write about to keep our Families safe in one way or another. What I would like to do for a change is ask you what you would like to see me write about.
  • Has anything effected you or your family that you think should be addressed? 
  • Is there a safety tip that I haven't covered that you think would be very important to get out there for others to see? 
  • Is there something that maybe you know a little bit about but would like to know more ways to prevent something from happening or teach your child about it? 
I will try to add any of the requests that I get in. If you don't see one right away it is because I am doing research. I honestly do my best in all of my postings to bring the most accurate and up to date information for you.

Send your ideas to or leave them in the comments below!
Thanks again.

Remember to subscribe by clicking on the "Join" button on the right and invite your friends and family so we can share safety with everyone. It is 100% free.

Thanks for visiting!

Are You Prepared For Winter?

  Winter is here and no matter where you live chances are you will experience some type of severe weather change such as Snow, Ice, Rain, High Winds etc or all of the above. Are you honestly prepared for it? What if your power, heat or communication gets knocked out for an extended time, are you ready for that? Sometimes this can happen for days at a time. Heavy snow or extreme cold can keep you an entire region immobilized.

   The National Weather Service refers to winter storms as "Deceptive Killers" because most deaths due to weather are not caused from the storm itself but instead by the indirect causes such as car accidents on icy roads and hypothermia due to prolonged exposure to the cold. It is extremely important to be prepared.

What do you need to be prepared?

  • Have an emergency kit - You should have enough Food, Water and other supplies that can get you by for at least 72 hours. In this kit you should also put a Medical Emergency Kit in it with basic supplies a flashlight, battery operated radio and have enough prescription medication to get you by for at least 72 hrs (I would suggest a week at least)
  • Heat - Have enough fuel for your heater(s) If you have a wood burning fireplace make sure you have enough Dry Wood to burn for source of heat for at least 72 hrs. Your main heat supply could be cut off during a bad storm. 
  • Plan - If your family is separated at the time of the storm (someone is at work etc.) it is important to know how you will contact each other once communication is available. How and where you will meet up if it is safe to do so if communication is not available. 
  • Radio - Get a battery operated radio with spare batteries. Listen to the National Weather or you Local Weather to get updates on what is going on and Safe Places/Sleeping Arrangements that are being made.
  • Travel - Don't travel unless you need to. If you do need to travel make sure that you have safety supplies with you. Jumper cables, blanket, emergency kit, shovel, sand, salt etc.
  • Pets - Bring your pets inside during winter weather. Move your livestock to stables or shelter areas until the storm pass'. Always make sure that they have fresh food and that their water is not frozen.

What do you do during the storm?
  • Stay indoors as much as possible. Don't go out unless you absolutely have to.
  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling as it can bring on a heart attack. This is a major cause of death in the winter. If you do need to shovel your walks, driveways or anything else make sure you stretch before doing so.
  • Always pay attention where you are walking and be careful. You could be walking on black ice. Make sure you are sure footed before taking your next step.
  • Always keep dry. Change your clothes if you do get wet, wet clothing looses its insulation ability.
  • Drive only if it is necessary. Don't leave unless you really need to. Remember the leading causes of death is not the storm itself but the accidents and hypothermia because of the storm.
  • Watch for signs of hypothermia. These include but aren't limited to: uncontrollable shivering, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and memory loss.
  • If you do need to leave let someone know where you are going and what time you expect to be there. Don't make any unexpected stops along the way unless you can reach that person as this should be a way for them to know to send help if you are not there in an allotted time frame.
  • I don't like this one.... Make sure you have plenty of ventilation when using your kerosene heaters to avoid build up of toxic fumes. When you need to refuel them do it outside and away from the home, Never do it in the home or in the garage. Refer to my Carbon Monoxide Post.
  • If you will be leaving your home for any time during the cold make sure to leave your heat on so your pipes don't freeze as this can cause more problems then what its worth.
   If you lose power or heat and it is safe, go to a public shelter during periods of extreme cold. Text SHELTER + your zip code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find your nearest shelter. Continue to wear warm dry clothing to prevent hypothermia.
(example would be: shelter 12345)

   For more information you can visit the following sites:
(***The guide below is excellent!!!***)

As always I would love to hear from you so leave your comments below. Remember to join by clicking "Join" button to the right of the page and invite your friends and family so we can spread these safety tips and techniques. Thanks for visiting!

The Silent Safety Tip!

   Its cold out side so I think it is a good time to bring up a silent safety tip that so many of us don't even think about. Carbon Monoxide is an odorless, colorless and otherwise undetectable by human senses that you may not know you are being exposed to. Exposure to this gas can lead to sudden illness and death.  I want to go over some of the warning signs then some of the ways we can try to prevent it from happening.
Carbon Monoxide Symptoms
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Flu-Like Symptoms, Fatigue, Without the Fever
  • Shortness of Breath, Exertion
  • Visual Changes
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Memory and Walking Problems
   Carbon Monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States. The Center of Disease Control estimates that it is responsible for an average of 15,000 Hospital visits and 500 deaths a year. Carbon Monoxide is produced by many common household items such as Heaters, Stoves, Water Heaters and Fireplaces etc.

   When you breath Carbon Monoxide, the poison replaces the oxygen in your bloodstream and causes your heart, brain and body to become starved for oxygen. Symptoms vary person to person. People that are at high risk are the Elderly, persons with lung disease, smokers and young children (note: this may not be a complete list). Carbon Monoxide can harm a fetus :(.

   The good news is we can limit the chances of being exposed to Carbon Monoxide by taking some very easy safety precautions. If we follow the ones listed below it will limit the chances dramatically and could save your life one day. Realistically 500 lives a year is not much considering how many millions of people live in the United States but when this is something that can virtually be close to 0 we should error on the side of caution especially when this could be our family that is at risk.

Safety Tips To Help Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Generators - Never use them indoors. Even if you have your windows and doors open, it is just to dangerous. Just keep them outside.
  • Heating System, Including Chimney and Vents - Have these inspected annually by a trained service technician.
  • Gas Range/Oven - Never use these as a source of heat. Remember Carbon Monoxide is Odorless and Colorless so even if it is supervised you will not know that it is being emitted until you experience the symptoms and it isn't worth the risk.
  • Grills - I think this one is common sense but never bring it into the house as a source of heat. Also never bbq in your garage as it could emit the gases into the home.
  • Fireplace - Always make sure that you open the Damper before lighting the fire and keep it open until all of the ashes are cool.
  • Carbon Monoxide Sensor - Install Carbon Monoxide Sensor's in the home.
  • Symptoms - Know the symptoms of Carbon Monoxide as early detection could save your life.
(***This is not a complete list, this is just to get you started***)
    If you start experiencing any of the symptoms that I listed above you should immediately leave the home to get fresh air and call your local fire department to report your symptoms, if you don't have a cell phone use a neighbors home but do not go back into your home to use your phone. You could lose consciousness or die if you don't leave your home. It is also important to call your Dr immediately for proper diagnosis. Let your Dr know that you believe you were exposed to Carbon Monoxide and believe you could be suffering from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Prompt medical attention is very important with dealing with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. If your Dr confirms Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, make sure a qualified service technician inspects all appliances before reusing them.
   Carbon Monoxide alarms are a great investment to detect Carbon Monoxide as they are designed to alarm you before potentially life-threatening levels of Carbon Monoxide levels are reached. You should always follow the Manufacturers instructions. Using a Test button test whether the circuit in the device is working properly, not the accuracy of the device. All alarms have a recommended age at which the battery and the device should be replaced. 

   It is recommended that Carbon Monoxide Alarms be placed in the hallways just outside of every sleeping area of the home. I will list a few of the Carbon Monoxide Alarms that I have found for your below. Keep in mind these are just a couple of items that I looked into. There are plenty more items out there that will do the same thing, some could be better then these.

Left: This device is great for everyone. It runs off of 3 AA battery's which are included. This alarm can be mounted to a wall or placed on a nightstand or end table.

Middle: This device is also great for everyone. It runs off of 3 AA battery's which are included. This alarm is to be mounted to a wall or ceiling. This alarm is is a Combo alarm meaning it detects Carbon Monoxide and Smoke. Would be a great alarm to place in the hall just outside of every sleeping area.

Right: This device is great for those with older children or grandparents houses where children aren't at all the time to unplug the unit etc. This alarm runs off of 1 nine-volt battery which is included and is also plugged into a wall outlet.

Just make sure to choose the right device for your home. Maybe a combination of devices suites your needs.
You can find more of these products at your local hardware stores, Ebay or on Amazon.

As always I appreciate your feedback or anything that you would like to add so please feel free to leave your comments below.
 Remember to join and share this with your friends and family.. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Up Thinking About The 3 Amber Alerts Yesterday!

   So I have been up thinking about the 3 Amber Alerts that we had yesterday and how we could try to limit this number. I am so happy they all ended up being safe but I also wonder how many more kids go missing without the alerts everyday!?!? This really scared me and my son is 16 years old, so I could only imagine how it would be for those of you with younger kids with the way things are now days. I have done a lot of research all night to try to come up with as much information that I can and I want to share a few things that I did find.

   According to The U.S. Department of Justice there is an estimated 797,500 children (under 18 years old) reported missing in one year. In an average of 2,185 children being reported everyday. 203,900 children were victims of family abductions. 58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions and 115 were victims of stereotypical kidnappings (Someone the child doesn't know who keeps the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, demands ransom, intends to keep the child permanently or ends up killing the child). The rest were mainly run aways or at a friends house etc.

   I found a couple of videos in my research that I will share with you. I don't do these to scare you (well I kinda do) but I want you to understand how important it is for us to really teach our children how to be safe at all times. John Walsh says it best when he says "I think child safety programs should be mandatory on the school curriculum, I think the safety of children should be as important as health care I really do, I think it is time to educate the children and parents in the schools". I couldn't agree with him more. I think we need to talk to our children about safety every day. I think there is always an opportunity that comes up that will let us throw in a safety tip to our children.

   Both of these videos share the sad reality of the world we live in and the dangers that our children face. We need to find things that we can do to try to prevent this from happening. We can teach our children all of the stranger danger tips/techniques, practice and role play with them and this will help a ton. We need to teach our children that just because they might have seen someone around the neighborhood or maybe even in the house a couple times that they are still strangers and they are still dangerous. Even if they were nice to our children we need to let our children know that its not ok to be around certain people without the presence of their parents. Please remember to take a look at the Stranger Danger Page that I posted as it has a lot of very valuable information in it that could help you in your teaching of Stranger Danger.

   I also found a few things that might help you with your child and keeping an eye on them. I will post them here with a description of what it is. Keep in mind these are just a couple of items that I looked into. There are plenty more items out there that will do the same thing, some could be better then these. I do research what I list and list only the ones that I find with the best reviews by other customers since I myself have never used them.

Mommy I'm Here
This device is for those of you that have younger children that aren't worried about your child walking to and from school as much as you are about them getting out of your line of site at a park or a play area at a restaurant. This device will sound an alarm if your child goes more then 25 feet away from you and works up to 150 feet. The way that it works is one piece fits on Mom/Dads key-chain and the other piece can be attached to the child's shoe/belt/backpack etc. Don't worry if you put it on the child's shoes as it is water resistant and long lasting. The link below is for a blue one but it does come in pink and brown as well.

Spot Satellite GPS Messenger Unit
This device is for those of us that have children that we cant be with at all times. This device is great it will track every move you do. It has special features on it such as a check in button and a 911 button. Its GPS makes it easy to track down your loved one using Google Maps. It is very resistant to most weather conditions and is waterproof. *Note* According to some of the reviews the 911 and check in buttons don't always work and the device is best used outdoors for those options to function. I also am not sure if there is a monthly charge or how much it would be but most GPS devices do carry a monthly plan. This is one of the lower cost GPS devices that are small enough to fit in your pocket or in a backpack making it easy to have on you at all times.

Cell Phones
One of the cheapest ways for an older child would probably be their cell phone if they have one. A lot of cell phones now days have GPS on them that you can have activated so that you can keep up to speed on where your child is.

   The reason I bring up the GPS systems is not to necessarily spy on your child as much as to find them if something does happen. If they can have something like the SPOT or a Cell phone tucked into their pocket when they are taken away they can easily reach into their pocket and activate it or if it is already activated like the spot you can hone in on where they are for a speedy recovery of your child. 

   If your child has a cell phone you can have a police speed dial number that they can use and if they can reach it while the phone is in their pocket, they can call the police and start screaming about where they are like "Why are you driving my past Delta Bowling Lanes on 1600 Street?" and keep saying where they are even if GPS Is not active on the phone. All of these options can be valuable if used properly. Please if you take anything away from this blog at all, teach your kids the safety tips, techniques and practice, role play with them all the time as it is very important. 

   Please share your thoughts and opinions on this as well. I am sure there is so much more that can be added that I don't know, forgot or couldn't find. Thank you so much for reading. Take care.

 Remember to join the site by using the "Join" button on the right and invite your friends and family. The more people we reach the more lives we can possibly save. Thanks again everyone!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

***AMBER ALERT*** 1/20/2012

We currently have 3 active Amber alerts. Clicking on the links below will take you to the active alerts page with the information on that alert. They are listed below.

Canceled AMBER Alert : The 11 year-old child was abducted by the 42 year-old suspect. The suspect entered his ex-girlfriend's residence on Taffy Court San Jose, CA, and fired off a couple of rounds from an unknown type firearm. The suspect took the child and fled the scene in a dark colored minivan, unknown make, model, or license plate number. The suspect is possibly in possession of an unknown firearm. PLEASE CONTACT THE SAN JOSE POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 408-277-8911. ***UPDATE*** NBC Bay Area has announced that after an extensive search officers found suspect Tri Le who was holding a knife to Taylor Vo head. When Le seen the officers he opened fire on them, Officers returned fire hitting Le and took him into custody. Taylor Vo's and Tri Le's condition is unknown at this time.  ***UPDATE*** Suspect Tri Le was fatally shot by officers according to NBC San Diego. The victim Taylor Vo was not harmed in the incident.

Canceled AMBER Alert : The 9 year-old child, Calysta, was last seen at Columbian Elementary School. Calysta was last seen wearing blue jeans, black jacket, blue polo shirt, gray tennis shoes and carrying a black backpack with pink straps. She may have gotten into a white passenger car, possibly a white Mercedes. ***UPDATE*** Great news this Amber Alert was canceled. This young lady was found at a Circle K convenience store this morning after escaping her capture. She was taken to the hospital with some injuries. Condition and extent of her injuries are unknown at this time. According to ABC 7 News The Denver Channel the suspect is still at large. For updates please check ABC 7 News Denver by clicking here.

Canceled AMBER Alert : The 2 week-old child was abducted by the 32 year-old suspect. The child was last seen in the area of the 1400 block of Village Boulevard in West Palm Beach, FL. The suspect may be carrying a laptop computer with a pink carrying case. PLEASE CONTACT THE WEST PALM BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 561-822-1900 OR 911. ***UPDATE*** This child has been returned safely back to the arms of the family.

*I am so glad that all 3 of these story's ended up with a happy ending!*

Please share this with your friends and family the more people know about this and can spread the word the better the chances are of finding these children.
Thank you!

True Fire Story: Is it ever to young to teach Fire Safety?

Fire was accidentally set by a 5 year old girl on Tuesday Night 1/17/12 in Omaha, Neb.

   Since I just added the Fire Safety Page I thought I would share this story I just found. This happens all to often. This story is about a 5 yr old girl that was curious about a lighter. She accidentally set a fire in her 2nd floor bedroom. The Fire was so intense that one of the responding Firefighters Andrew Johnson suffered 2nd degree burns to his face as he tried to rescue her 3 year old sister that was trapped inside the home. Firefighter Charles Adams spotted the toddler from a first floor window. He was able to break the window out and brought the 3 year old out to safety. They believe that a fire down the street just days before may have sparked the child's curiosity for fire.

    All to often fires are started by young children due to their curiosity. A lot of Fire Departments have juvenile fire prevention programs available and a lot of cities put on safety fairs that will cover a lot as well. But until you can get to one of these it is very important to cover this as a parent and work with your children. We must work with our children constantly to ensure that they understand that fire is a tool not a toy. If we practice and role play with all of our safety tips/techniques these things will become 2nd nature to your child and they will be able to do these things without even thinking about them. Here is the link to the video on the fire I just mentioned Please take the time to watch it and to teach/work with your children.

<a href='' target='_new' title='Girl's Curiosity Blamed For House Fire' >Video: Girl's Curiosity Blamed For House Fire</a>

I will continue to post True Story's as I believe that they are needed to show us how important it is to teach our children these safety procedures. Please feel free to share your True Story's as well. Thanks again!

Moving Along

   Well I am sure you can see that the blog is growing every day. Today I have added a few more things; To the right you will see an FDA Recall/Safety Alerts and below that a US Consumer Product Safety Child Related Recalls. These are RSS feeds which means they will be updated automatically so you will have up to date information just like the Amber Alert and Missing Child Alert that I added Yesterday.

   I have also added a new page called Fire Safety. On this page you will find tons of information to keep your family safe in case of a fire. It includes selecting the proper safety devices and how to create a plan for your family to get out of the house/building safely.

  As I mentioned before I will be adding information to the Blog on a daily basis. If you have anything that you would like to see added to the Blog just let me know I would be more then happy to add it. I am so excited to have this take off and cant wait to start hearing from you. I would appreciate any and all feedback that you have just leave a comment or send an email to and I will get back to ASAP.

Remember to join and share the blog with your friends and family. Joining is easy just use the "Join" button to the right and use your existing Email account. Thanks again.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Few New Things!

  I added a few new thing to the blog yesterday that I would like to go over with everyone. I will go over all of them very briefly. If you have any questions please let me know. I will continue adding things to the blog and will update you as I add them.

   I added an Amber Alert Ticker to the top of the page (The white bar with scrolling text). This Ticker is made courtesy of It is probably very noticeable but that was my point as I believe that it could help bring attention to as many of us as possible and maybe even save a life. If we can save even one person then I would be happy but wouldn't mind going for more!

   I added a Missing Children Alert Cases Feed to the Left hand side of the page. This is kept up to date by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I feel this is very important as well. I feel if we raise awareness we can make a difference, possibly find some of these children or make parents/guardians aware that this is not something that we can say "It wont happen to me!". This is Very Real and needs to be take seriously.

    I also added a Advertiser and Sponsors Page. The reason I added this page is to have somewhere that I can post all of my paid sponsors and advertisers as well as trying to bring everyone good deals. I will keep everything there that is a paid advertisement as I believe Honesty and Trust is what this site should be based on. The reason for gaining Advertisers and Sponsors is so that I can continue to do local events and possibly start offering my subscribers some deals on products to help keep their children safe. Please make sure you stop in on my Advertiser and Sponsors Page once in a while and see if there is anything of interest to you as they are really helping me keep this blog and my efforts of local events going.
The Amazon list to the left is a compiled list hand picked by me on items I believe would be great tools to help teach and keep your children safe.

   I want to say thank you for your continued support in getting this blog going. It is not an easy job to get there but we will. Off to the right you will see a Join This Site button, If you don't mind join this blog and share it with your friends and family. You can share it by simply hitting one of the buttons below: Email, Twitter or Facebook.

Thanks again everyone!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Something Old, Something New

   Hello Everyone,
   The Old
   Yesterday I shared with you a website that you could find all sorts of crime in your area: . I was able to play around with it a bit and there's more then I wanted to see :-( . With that being said it brings up a good point of talking with our children about Stranger Danger and taking all of the safety precautions we can in our home such as making sure our windows and doors are locked every night and every time we leave the house. Remember to Practice, Practice, Practice the safety points in this site with your children so that it becomes 2nd nature to them.

The New
   Off to the left you will see an bar, this is a list of products that I personally went through and picked for teaching our children safety. I have not used all of them but I have done research on all of them and found good reviews on them. The only questionable one that I did find was the Child Identification card there is only one review on it and it was 1 star, However, this was because the individual thought this was a DNA test not a DNA sample and Finger Print Kit so I don't think we should count that one. There is one product that I did not put on the Amazon list that I would HIGHLY recommend and that is Eddie Eagle from the NRA. It is available on Amazon but it is more expensive then getting it from the NRA website. I have a link to it on the Firearm Safety page. 
A Child Identification Card can also be downloaded and you can normally purchase fingerprint ink pads from a local office supply store. The website can be found on the Stranger Danger Page.

  I will be adding more pages to our blog here very soon as I think we need to cover Child Predators, Internet Safety, Water Safety, Safe Rooms, Fire Safety and much, much more. I think we can all work together to come up with a wonderful one-stop-shop for child safety and I would like your idea's on what you would like to have covered. I would also like to know if you would like to see a true stories page as well. Keep in mind that not all true stories have happy endings :-(
Please continue to support this page by sharing it with your friends and family on your social networking sights, blogs and word of mouth. I really do appreciate it as I would like to reach as many people as possible!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wanted to share a website with you

   I have found a great site to get information on the crimes in your area. These will include Theft, Assault, Sexual offenses and much much more. It will allow you to submit tips about crimes you might know something about while remaining anonymous. Its simple to use here is the rundown of it.

  I want to add that you do not have to be a member to use this site, however you can become a member of the site by joining it in the top right hand corner where it says "join crimereports today". When you join you can have alerts sent to you via text, email or even get the RSS feed on things happening in your area. you can still post thing anonymously.

  The great thing about this site is it is becoming bigger and bigger. More and more agency's are starting to use it as it gives them more of an opportunity or civilians to give anonymous tips on crimes or to report crimes that might be happening in the area while staying completely anonymous.

Best of all its completely 100% FREE!!!

Here are the statistics for the last 2 years of this site, they have:
   Received 1.6 MILLION tips.
   Arrested 122,967 people
   45,529 fugitives caught
   10,959 stolen vehicles were recovered
   20,483 weapons were recovered
   $4.9 BILLION recovered in drugs and property

If that isn't success I don't know what is.

Please share this with your family and friends as well.